


Smart City Ecosystem


Within a smart city, there are normally a variety of systems that manage and provide the city data. The project team develops technological solutions to use an interface to link the existing data silos within a technological ecosystem in a secure and in compliance with data protection requirements.

Starting Point

Within a smart city, there are normally a variety of systems that manage and provide the city data. This data comes from many different sources, such as environmental sensors, linked street lamps or smart  devices; additionally, data such as energy and water use is also gathered. Because the systems are often incompatible with one another, this data is usuallynot made available for the municipality and is put away in data silos; this despite the fact that integrated use of data is conducive to the development of new, innovative services, which can contribute to improve citizens’ quality of life.


Our Solution

The project team develops technological solutions to use an interface to link the existing data silos within a technological ecosystem in a secure and in compliance with data protection requirements. As a system of systems, SCitE harmonises existing and future data silos without replacing the established systems. In this way, the silos can still be heterogeneously designed and operated by different actors, such as the participating cities and companies. Since data can be used and managed jointly by municipalities across city limits in key areas such as public transportation, SCitE also facilitates the connection of the cities in the context of data use in order to create maximum value for all involved. On the basis of locally gathered data, the project team develops application scenarios, so-called use cases, for the joint use of data in order to facilitate the creation of new and innovative services for the smart city.


Funding ID


Supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Project Duration

2021 – 2025


Key Areas

  • Data protection and data security
  • Model-driven engineering
  • Privacy enhancing technologies
  • Data use
Smartphone vor Stadtkulisse

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