
a ruhrvalley SME Project


Secure Test Facility Network



The overall objective of project NetLab is to develop a networked measurement and test laboratory, based on the electric drivetrain. The project NetLab—Secure Test Facility Network focuses on developing a solid security concept to prevent unauthorized access to data and processes within the networked test laboratory as well as from theoutside.


Starting Point

The success of electromobility has brought a growing need for system solutions for the electric drivetrain. Small and middle enterprises in particular are capable of developing innovative drive components. However, they often do not have the capabilities to do the necessary testing of the overall system. Cooperatively developing entire drivetrains requires coordinated work across company borders and linked hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test systems in order to guarantee the functioning and efficiency of every component in the overall system.

ruhrvalley Solution

The overall objective of project NetLab is to develop a networked measurement and test laboratory, based on the electric drivetrain. The project NetLab—Secure Test Facility Network focuses on developing a solid security concept to prevent unauthorized access to data and processes within the networked test laboratory as well as from the outside. Coordination among companies is especially challenging because they potentially compete in other areas and company networks are usually open and not limited to project participants. A communications software for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) must be developed in order to connect other partner companies and expand the network, as well as to integrate other networks. Its purpose is to manage identification, authentication and communications security in a federated identity and access management system (IAM), which enables the merging of various autonomous information sources.

Funding ID

XignSys GmbH: 13FH0K43IA

Supported by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research

Project Duration

2019 – 2021


Key Areas

  • Identity and access management: data and system access must be constantly and reliably regulated
  • Federation of the IAM: managing the identities of the individual system participants within the sphere of their organisations as well as reliably synchronizing the participating actors in order to avoid centralised user and user rights management
© Marcus Heine Fotografie

Projekt Partners

Logo der XignSys GmbH mit Link zur Website
Logo des Instituts für internet-sicherheit mit Link zur Website
Logo des Instituts für Digitalisierung von Arbeits- und Lebenswelten mit Link zur Website
Logo der Westfälischen Hochschule
Logo der Hochschule Bochum
Logo der Fachhochschule dortmund

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